Friday, December 4, 2015

Call to Jesus Session: Juniors

It's about time this blogpost happened. Because your maturity level is humiliating, since you still choose to act like a bunch of freshmen. So first and foremost, let's go back to Infest and boy did you piss me off. You're juniors, so the idea of seniority doesn't apply to your, nor does it exist. If we (members of the crew) tell you to move or direct you elsewhere, shut up and do it. You have absolutely no authority in talking back to the stage manager, insisting that you need to see other people's shows. No, you don't. It's not like 30 people will post the act on Facebook a day later. And it was your 3rd year doing Infest and you suddenly decide that you belong on stage because a new stage manager came. If she can't deal with you, I will. And it's certainly not going to be fun because it's not even my job to do that. You just don't listen. At all. There's no need to catch an attitude because someone told you to move and you knew you didn't belong there. Like no, I'm going to need for you to grow up.

Number two. It's the listening thing again, you filthy hogs. Everyday when you walk into APUSH, you sit down and get to answering the questions on the board even before the bell rings, but when you go to Psych, you shout across the room, stand around, catch attitudes with people, and oh I don't know, NOT LISTEN. Why do you act differently in different classes? Oh that's right, it's because you sit with your nice little cult and talk the entire period. MY BAD. Why should I get punished with you, when I actually got myself settled and ready to go? Why should I get yelled at everyday when you're the one who decides to be inconsiderate everyday? Why do you catch an attitude with a student who's trying to settle the class down when you know that the teacher is going to say the same exact thing? Because that's EXTREMELY disrespectful. Especially today. When he decided to take the courage to take the leadership position to help us finish our notes and then you rudely decided to go bombard him with your phones to take pictures of it because you felt that the latest gossip was more important than the education of your classmates. By bombarding him, you told him that you didn't want to listen to him because you wanted to talk to your friends for the entire class period. He took the time to help you, but you clearly decided to reject it. And it's been a week long thing with the picture taking. Your dad wasn't a glass maker, you're blocking the freaking board. Which means that I can't copy down my notes because the armada of lazy procrastinating hogs decided to blockade the information I needed. Thanks, I appreciate your consideration.

OH WAIT. And then you want to brag about procrastinating (see previous blog post since it hasn't freaking changed). I have no sympathy for you because you only got an hour of sleep last night. Boo hoo, should've known that time doesn't stop for you, idiot. You compete for the position of "who is the biggest procrastinator" and frankly all of you have failed at outdoing one another in your stupid race. Then I only matter to you when you want to talk about how stressed you are.

And then to your little cults. MY GOD am I tired of it. You've literally been in the same group since freshman year, you still stab each other behind each other's backs, you still gossip about others not in your cult, and you blatantly state events that sound like fun, but I'm not even invited to a single one.
Update on Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, 4th of July, and other party invites in high school: 0.
And as an outcast, I know you talk about me behind my back, especially when it comes to these rants, and I'm glad you acknowledge how selfish and arrogant you are. You choose one person in your cult, and treat them like they are the center of your world. You act as if you'll die if drama doesn't exist. Like seriously, why is there already drama on an event created this week and it's about A DAMN DINNER. And if you think you're going to die because you need to get over yourself, please do. I see people dragged into your cults because they changed who they were just to "fit in". I see how different you are outside of it and I see how tolerable you are outside of the circle. No one is a better person in a clique, and you sure as hell aren't a good liar (work on your fake side, you piece of trash). So point being: get your head out of your ass and look at yourself and who you hang out with. BREAK THE CLIQUE. None of you belong in that. And grow up, because you are a junior in high school. You'll never make it in the real world if you can't get out of your cult. They won't be there for you after you graduate; wishful thinking.

And to those whose lives revolve around things that aren't for you: stop. No one cares politics because it's dumb anyway; leave it to the politicians. It's not like you can vote this year anyway, so why does it matter to you on who gets elected and who doesn't? Your life literally revolves around arguing with others and forcing them to agree to your point. No, I will not agree with you and dumb politics and no, you will not force spoons down people's throats. I also don't care about what celebrity did what to who. I have my own life to create and live, so I have no interest in trying to be someone else. They're a terrible role model anyway. Maybe it's time you stopped and wrote your own story, since you wasted 16 years of it.

Overall, the main lesson here is to get your lives together or I will definitely call you out on my next rant (it's not like it matters since you've been talking about me behind my back for 3 consecutive years anyway). And to be freaking respectful. Like how hard could it possibly be to do something you know you should've done? To be smart about who you hang out with, and to look at yourself. Because the people I see are those who don't deserve to be in this world. I'm not asking for your sympathy because I've been excluded by 90% of you guys, but I am asking for you to open your blind little eyes. Because you never know if someone will disappear the next day. Don't worry about me, I know I have a future ahead of me. But none of you know who was almost taken away from us, and most of you all didn't seem to even care. You'd think differently if that person was you.  

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