Friday, January 30, 2015

All-District Chorus

Skipping an entire day of school to go sing all day with all the other chorus members from different schools is always something I love to do. The songs were alright, but last year was better. We had our traditional chocolate covered strawberries (which were hand picked by Jesus) and we sang and sang and sang until we performed it all tonight. Then it got disappointing. Like when they cut out a song for a reason that we were not told of, and then Kell Bells nominating me to go represent Southside by singing high B flats like we do it all the time or something (it's okay though, since they also ended up cutting that song short anyway since it was the song arranged by Satan himself). And then there was this girl. Who stood beside me. On the risers. AND BELTED EVERY POSSIBLE WRONG NOTE IN MY EAR. How were you even put in this Honors Choir when you sing like pianissimo and mezzo forte are sung exactly the same? No. I should've pushed you off those risers, and knocked you out with my giant unhelpful folder since you are a terrible page turner and violated me since you were all up on my butt and stuff. No thank you. Bye. And Although there weren't laugh-till-you-cry moments, I finally received some flowers from the bestie since she felt bad that my parents never showed their appreciation for my voice since 2nd grade. Thanks. But in the end, it was nice to sing with old friends again be united in one beautiful day. Shoutout to those Base 2 guys, man. Y'all were carefully made to perfection.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rant #1

To live up to my personal URL (I know, I still can't believe 100+ people took the time to read that one post), here's a little rant.
You never escape the wrath of childish people. Acting as if puberty decided to screw up everyone else but them. We all have bad days due to zillions of things, and most of them deal with other people. What pisses me off the most is when you decide to ruin the days of other people around you just because you have a bad day. Life doesn't stop when you have a bad day; it won't even slow down for you to sit down and whine, cry, and pout. Stop radiating your pitiful negativity, and instead do something that's more productive like taking the time to actually grow up. We all know that one friend who will die if they don't have their phone. So you thought of your friend and childish #1 comes up and takes their phone, changes their password, and refuses to unlock it until you do something utterly stupid like posting "I love this person. You da best. Be my friend forever <3 <3 " on a place where they are "famous" because other people have pity on them. I low-key added you on Facebook the other day just to make sure you weren't messing around with my friends again, you freshman (and yes, I stalked you to make sure). Anyway, your best friend is stressing and experiencing a panic attack because they don't have their phone (quit treating your phone like it's worth more than you) all because childish #1 screwed up their phone. So childish #2 asks if they got the phone back to normal, and your friend says no. Childish #2 proceeds to laugh at them and walk off. HOLLUP. NO. Would you still be Happy-JoJo if I took your phone and chucked it down the stairs? No? Then excuse me while I laugh at your misery since your phone is shattered and mine isn't 'cause your smartphone has nothing on my brick phone that can be thrown across the school and dropped in the toilet and still work. Then childish #3 refuses to tell your friend what the password is even though they know what it is because they find it funny. Well, kind sir. Would you find it funny if I threw you in front of a bus and you so tragically broke your face? No? Too bad.
Put yourself in other's shoes, because you apparently can't even fit in your own.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Satisfying the moods of people one blog at a time.. Except for this one 'cause holy poop there's so much stuff I can do on here